Chapter 6 Speed Dialing 6-17Speed DialingMaking a Telephone Call With Speed DialingFollow this procedure to dial a telephone number registered for one-touch or codedspeed dialing on your machine:1 Make sure you have connected thehandset or an extension telephone toyour machine (1 p. 2-8).2 Press Hook.• You can also lift the handset instead ofpressing Hook.3 Enter the one-touch speed dialingbutton or coded speed dialing codeassigned to the telephone number youwant to dial.❚ One-touch speed dialing button:Press the one-touch speed dialingbutton you want.❚ Coded speed dialing code:Press Coded Dial, then use thenumeric buttons to enter the two-digit code you want.• If you make a mistake, press Hook orhang up the handset and start againfrom step 2.• NO TEL # appears if no fax/telephonenumber is assigned to the speeddialing button or code you pressed.• NOT AVAILABLE appears if youentered a speed dialing button or codeassigned to a group of fax numbers.4 When you hear the other party answerthe call, pick up the handset to starttalking.5 When you are finished, simply hangup.TEL=