6-2 Speed Dialing Chapter 6What is Speed Dialing?Instead of having to dialing a fax or telephone number using regular dialing (i.e. with thenumeric buttons), you can simplify the dialing procedure by registering thefax/telephone number for speed dialing. This will reduce the number of buttons youneed to press to dial the fax/telephone number, making it convenient for frequentlydialed numbers.Speed dialing also allows you to register several fax numbers under one speed dialingbutton or code so that you can send a document to all those fax numbers in oneoperation.See below for details on the different speed dialing methods.Speed Dialing MethodsYour machine offers the following speed dialing methods:■ One-Touch Speed Dialing (2 p. 6-3)Register a fax/telephone number under a one-touch speed dialing button so that youonly have to press one button to dial that fax/telephone number.There are 24 one-touch speed dialing buttons available for you to register fax/telephonenumbers.■ Coded Speed Dialing (2 p. 6-8)Register a fax/telephone number under a coded speed dialing code so that you onlyhave to press Coded Dial and enter the registered two-digit code (with the numericbuttons) to dial that fax/telephone number.There are 100 codes available for you to register fax/telephone numbers.■ Group Dialing (2 p. 6-13)“Group” up to 123 fax numbers together, so you can send to those fax numbers in onequick operation. A group is registered under a one-touch speed dialing button or acoded speed dialing code.