I-1Indext (extension phone) jack 1-5h (handset) jack 1-4L (telephone line) jack 1-4AAC power cord, connecting1-6Access type, registering 1-13ACTIVITY REPORTdescription 8-8printing 8-7setting 8-3Adaptor, B.T. 1-1ALARM VOLUME setting8-2ALT OUTGOING MSG(Alternative outgoingmessage)description 7-1ANS.MACHINE MODEdescription 6-1, 6-4setting 6-4Answering machine 1-4connecting 1-4using fax with 6-4Attaching components 1-3AUTO PRINT setting 8-3AUTO REDIALfor FWD SETTINGS 8-6message 9-15setting 5-9, 8-3Automaticdialling 5-5Automatic rediallingcancelling 5-9description 5-9setting options for 5-10AUTO TEST PRINT 8-5BB.T. adaptor 1-1, 1-5BJ cartridgeBX-3 Black 1-1, 1-9cleaning 9-5guidelines 1-9installing 1-9, 1-10print head (See Print head)replacing 9-6Broadcasting, sequential 5-13BUSY/NO SIGNAL message9-15Buttons 2-2, 2-3 (See alsoindividual button names)cursor 2-3, 2-5FAX-B140 2-3FAX-B120 2-3FAX-B115 2-3numeric 2-2, 2-4one-touch speed dialling 2-2Rewind/Forward 2-2, 7-8scroll 2-3, 8-1special function 2-2BX-3 Black BJ cartridge 1-1,1-9CCaller history 5-8CALLING VOLUME setting8-2Cancellingautomatic redialling 5-9delayed sending 5-11manual redialling 5-9receiving 6-6sending 5-5Cartridge (See BJ cartridge)Cartridge holder 2-1CARTRIDGE JAMMEDmessage 9-15CHANGE CARTRIDGEmessage 9-16CHECK DOCUMENT message9-16CHECK PAPER SIZEmessage 9-16CHECK PRINTER message9-16CleaningBJ cartridge print head 9-5button 2-2, 9-5, 9-6exterior of fax 9-3interior of fax 9-3, 9-4periodic 9-3print head 9-6scanner components 9-4Clear button 2-2, 2-5CLEAR PAPER JAM message9-17Coded dial/Directory button2-3, 5-5, 5-6Coded speed diallingdescription 2-12list (See Coded speed diallinglist)registering numbers and namesfor 2-12sending a document using5-5Coded speed dialling listdescription 8-8printing 8-7Componentsattaching 1-3main 2-1ConnectingAC power cord 1-6answering machine 1-4extension phone 1-6external devices 1-4handset 1-4telephone 1-5telephone line 1-4Connector, power cord 1-6Contrast, setting scanning5-1Copyingdocuments 4-1problems 9-13setting scanning contrast 5-1Cord, power 1-6Correcting mistakes 2-5Cursor buttons 2-3, 2-5Customer support vDDATE & TIME setting 2-6,8-2Date, setting 2-6DATE SETUP setting 8-5Delayed Sending 5-10cancelling 5-11sending other documents whilefax is set for 5-11Delete button 2-3, 7-7Deletingdocument from memory 5-15message 7-7