9-19SOLUTIONS TO COMMON PROBLEMS9In case of a power failureThe user data settings and registered data for one-touch speed dialling and coded speed dialling aresaved during a power failure using a built-in battery*. However, documents stored in the faxmemory will be deleted. If a power failure occurs or the power is turned off, the fax willautomatically print a memory clear report as soon as the power is turned on or the power is restored.This report includes a list of the documents that were stored in the memory at the time of powerfailure.During a power failure _________________________The following restrictions apply to the function of the fax during a power failure or while the poweris turned off:• You cannot use the fax to make telephone calls. Also, if your fax is connected to a telephone, youmay not be able to make telephone calls.• You cannot send, receive, or copy documents.• You can receive voice calls only if the handset, a telephone, or an extension phone is connected toyour fax.Memory clear report ___________________________If you experience a power failure, the documents in the fax memory will be lost.As soon as power is restored and the fax is turned on again, the fax will automatically print out a listof documents that were stored in the memory at the time of the power failure.* TAM Messages are also saved if the power fails.