195With the built-in flash or an EX-series Speedlite compatible with flashfunction settings, you can use the camera’s menu screen to set flashfunctions and the external Speedlite’s Custom Functions. If you use anexternal Speedlite, attach the Speedlite to the camera and turn onthe Speedlite before setting the flash functions.For details on the external Speedlite’s flash functions, refer to theSpeedlite’s instruction manual.1 Select [Flash control].Under the [z2] tab, select [Flashcontrol], then press <0>.X The Flash control screen will appear.2 Select the desired option.Select the option to be set, then press<0>.To enable flash photography, set[Enable]. To enable only the AF-assistbeam, set [Disable].For normal flash exposures, set it to[Evaluative]. If [Average] is set, theflash exposure will be averaged for theentire metered scene. Flash exposurecompensation may be necessary. Thissetting is for advanced users.3 Setting the FlashNFlash FiringE-TTL II Flash Metering