127A Selecting a Picture StyleNR LandscapeFor vivid blues and greens, and very sharp and crisp images.Effective for impressive landscapes.S NeutralThis Picture Style is for users who prefer to process images withtheir computer. For natural colors and subdued images.U FaithfulThis Picture Style is for users who prefer to process images withtheir computer. When the subject is captured under a colortemperature of 5200 K, the color is adjusted colorimetrically tomatch the subject’s color. Images will appear dull and subdued.V MonochromeCreates black-and-white images.W User Def. 1-3You can register a basic style such as [Portrait], [Landscape], aPicture Style file, etc., and adjust it as desired (p.132). Any UserDefined Picture Style that has not been set will have the samedefault settings as the [Auto] Picture Style.Black-and-white images shot in JPEG cannot be reverted to color. If youwant to later shoot pictures in color, make sure the [Monochrome] settinghas been canceled.<z> can be displayed in the viewfinder when [Monochrome] is set(p.376).