This shows the temperature of theengine’s coolant. During normaloperation, the pointer should risefrom the bottom white mark to aboutthe middle of the gauge. In severedriving conditions, such as very hotweather or a long period of uphilldriving, the pointer may rise to theupper end of the white section of thegauge. If it reaches the red (hot)mark, pull safely to the side of theroad. For more information, see page.This shows how much fuel youhave. It may show slightly moreor less than the actual amount.The needle returns to thebottom after you turn off theignition.505GaugesTemperature GaugeFuel Gauge70U.S. model is shown.TACHOMETER TEMPERATURE GAUGESPEEDOMETERFUEL GAUGEAvoid driving with an extremely lowf uel level. Running out of f uel couldcause the engine to misf ire, damagingthe catalytic converter.11/07/20 18:09:06 31SJA670_075