The following pages provideinstructions on how to properlyprotect the driver, adultpassengers, and teenage childrenwho are large enough and matureenough to drive or ride in the front.See pages for importantguidelines on how to properlyprotect infants, small children, andlarger children who ride in yourvehicle.After everyone has entered thevehicle, be sure the doors areclosed and locked.Your vehicle has a door and trunkopen indicators on the multi-information display to indicate whena specific door or the trunk is nottightly closed. You will see theappropriate indicator(s) and themessage for each condition.When one or more doors are nottightly closed, the ‘‘DOOR OPEN’’indicator will come on.Your vehicle has a programmableauto door locking/unlocking feature.For more information, see page .You will also hear a beep when youturn the ignition switch to the ON(II) position, and each time you openany door or the trunk with the key inthe ON (II) position.3812355CONTINUEDIntroductionClose and Lock the Doors1.Protecting Adults and Teens Driver and Passenger Safety13This shows the front right and rear leftdoors open.11/07/20 18:01:06 31SJA670_018