You can insert orremove the built-in key only in thisposition. To turn the ignition switchto the LOCK (0) position, the shiftlever must be in Park, and you mustpush the knob or built-in key inslightly.If the front wheels are turned, theanti-theft lock may make it difficultto turn the ignition switch. Firmlyturn the steering wheel to the left orright as you turn the ignition switch.You canoperate the audio system and theaccessory power sockets in thisposition.When you turn the ignition switch tothe ACCESSORY (I) position, an‘‘ACCESSORY (I) POSITION’’message is shown on the multi-information display.This is the normalignition switch position when driving.Several of the indicators on theinstrument panel come on as a testwhen you turn the ignition switchfrom the ACCESSORY (I) to the ON(II) position.Use this positiononly to start the engine. The switchreturns to the ON (II) position whenyou let go of the ignition switch.If you open the driver’s door andleave the ignition switch in theACCESSORY (I) or LOCK (0)position, you will hear a reminderbeeper, and a message appears onthe multi-information displayaccording to the ignition switchposition. When the ignition switch isin the ACCESSORY (I) position, a‘‘RETURN IGNITION SWITCH TOLOCK (0) POSITION’’ message isshown on the multi-informationdisplay. When the ignition switch isin the LOCK (0) position, a‘‘REMOVE KEY’’ message is shownon the multi-information display.The shift lever must be in Parkbefore you turn the ignition switchknob to the LOCK (0) position orremove the built-in key from theignition switch.Ignition SwitchLOCK (0)ACCESSORY (I)ON (II)START (III)15211/07/20 18:18:55 31SJA670_157