Use the compact spare tire as atemporary replacement only. Getyour regular tire repaired or replaced,and put it back on your vehicle assoon as you can.Check the air pressure of thecompact spare tire every time youcheck the other tires. It should beinflated to:Replace the tire when you can seethe tread wear indicator bars. Thereplacement tire should be the samesize and design, mounted on thesame wheel. The spare tire is notdesigned to be mounted on a regularwheel, and the spare wheel is notdesigned for mounting a regular tire.Do not mount snow chains on thecompact spare tire.Do not use your compact sparetire on another vehicle unless it isthe same make and model.Follow these precautions:Never exceed 50 mph (80 km/h).This tire gives a harsher ride andless traction on some roadsurfaces. Use greater cautionwhile driving.After the flat tire is replaced withthe spare tire, the low tirepressure/TPMS indicator stays on.After several miles (kilometers)driving with the spare, thisindicator begins to flash, thenstays on again. You will also see a‘‘CHECK TPMS SYSTEM’’message on the multi-informationdisplay (see page ).433Compact Spare Tire496INDICATOR LOCATION MARKSTREAD WEAR INDICATOR60 psi (420 kPa , 4.2 kgf/cm )11/07/20 19:05:21 31SJA670_501