If the indicator comes on repeatedly,even though it may go off as youcontinue driving, have the vehiclechecked by your dealer as soon aspossible.If you have recently refueled yourvehicle, the indicator coming oncould be due to a loose or missingfuel fill cap. You will also see a‘‘TIGHTEN FUEL CAP’’ message onthe multi-information display.Tighten the cap until it clicks at leastonce (see page ). Tightening thecap will not turn the indicator offimmediately; it can take several daysof normal driving.If the battery in your vehicle hasbeen disconnected or gone dead,these codes may be erased. It cantake several days of driving undervarious conditions to set the codesagain.To check if they are set, turn theignition switch to the ON (II)position, without starting the engine.The malfunction indicator lamp willcome on for 20 seconds. If it thengoes off, the readiness codes are set.If it blinks five times, the readinesscodes are not set. If possible, do nottake your vehicle for an emissionstest until the readiness codes are set.Refer to formore information (see page ).If this indicator comes onwhile driving, or if you seea ‘‘CHECK EMISSION SYSTEM’’message on the multi-informationdisplay, it means one of the engine’semissions control systems may havea problem. Even though you mayfeel no difference in your vehicle’sperformance, it can reduce your fueleconomy and cause increasedemissions. Continued operation maycause serious damage.Your vehicle has certain ‘‘readinesscodes’’ that are part of the on-boarddiagnostics for the emissionssystems. In some states, part of theemissions testing is to make surethese codes are set. If they are notset, the test cannot be completed.The malfunction indicator lamp mayalso come on with the ‘‘D’’ indicator.537385Emissions TestingReadiness CodeMalfunction Indicator Lamp Taking Care of the Unexpected509If you keep driving with themalf unction indicator lamp on, you candamage your vehicle’s emissionscontrols and engine. Those repairs maynot be covered by your vehicle’swarranties.11/07/20 19:07:08 31SJA670_514