All doors can be locked from theoutside by using the built-in key inthe driver’s door. To unlock only thedriver’s door, insert the built-in key,turn it clockwise, and release it. Theremaining doors unlock when youturn the built-in key a second timewithin a few seconds.Each front door has a power doorlock master switch. Either switchlocks and unlocks all doors. Push theswitch down to lock all doors and upto unlock them.To change the ‘‘DOOR UNLOCKMODE’’ setting, see page .When the vehicle speed reachesabout 10 mph (15 km/h) or more, allthe doors lock automatically.When you shift to P after driving, thedriver’s door unlocks.To change the ‘‘AUTO DOORUNLOCK’’ setting, see page .With the driver’s door open and thebuilt-in key in the ignition, bothmaster door lock switches aredisabled. They are not disabled if thedriver’s door is closed. Pushing theswitch down on the open frontpassenger’s door will lock all doors.If you try to lock an open driver’sdoor by pulling the lock tab rearwardwith the remote inside the vehicleand closing the driver’s door, thedriver’s door will unlock.To change the ‘‘AUTO DOORLOCK’’ setting, see page .Each door has a lock tab above theinside door handle. Pull the tabrearward to lock the door and push itforward to unlock. When you pull thetab rearward on the driver’s door, allthe doors lock.To lock any door when getting out ofthe vehicle, pull the lock tabrearward and close the door.109125123Lockout PreventionDoor Locks Instruments and Controls153POWER DOOR LOCKMASTER SWITCH11/07/20 18:19:04 31SJA670_158