Your vehicle is equipped with discbrakes at all four wheels. A powerassist helps reduce the effort neededon the brake pedal. The brake pedalassist function increases the forceyou apply to the brake pedal duringan emergency stop. When the brakepedal assist is activated, the e-pretensioners (if equipped) tightenfront seat belts (see page ). Theanti-lock brake system (ABS) helpsyou retain steering control whenbraking very hard (see page ).Resting your foot on the pedal keepsthe brakes applied lightly, builds upheat, reduces their effectiveness andreduces brake pad life. In addition,fuel economy can be reduced. It alsokeeps your brake lights on all thetime, confusing drivers behind you.The hydraulic system that operatesthe brakes has two separate circuits.Each circuit works diagonally acrossthe vehicle (the left-front brake isconnected with the right-rear brake,etc.). If one circuit should develop aproblem, you will still have brakingat two wheels.Constant application of the brakeswhen going down a long hill buildsup heat and reduces their effective-ness. Use the engine to assist thebrakes by taking your foot off theaccelerator and downshifting to alower gear.Check the brakes after drivingthrough deep water. Apply thebrakes moderately to see if they feelnormal. If not, apply them gently andfrequently until they do. Be extracautious in your driving.If the brake pads need replacing, youwill hear a distinctive, metallicscreeching sound when you applythe brake pedal. If you do not havethe brake pads replaced, they willscreech all the time. It is normal forthe brakes to occasionally squeal orsqueak when you apply them.24416Braking System DesignBrake Pad Wear IndicatorsBraking System Driving41511/07/20 18:54:50 31SJA670_420