If your vehicle’s battery isdisconnected or goes dead, the audiosystem disables itself. If this happens,you will see ‘‘ENTER CODE’’ in thefrequency display next time you turnon the system. Use the presetbuttons to enter the five-digit code.The code is on the Anti-theftIdentification Card included in yourowner’s manual kit. When it isentered correctly, the radio will startplaying.The Anti-theft Identification Cardalso lists your audio serial number. Itis best to store the card in a safeplace at home. In addition, youshould write the audio system’sserial number in this owner’s manual.If you make a mistake entering thecode, do not start over; complete thefive-digit sequence, then enter thecorrect code. You have ten tries toenter the correct code. If you areunsuccessful in ten attempts, youmust then leave the system on forone hour before trying again.The system will retain your AM andFM presets even if power isdisconnected.If you have a My Acura account, it iseasy to retrieve the anti-theft codeonline without having to access theserial number.We recommend that you register thesecurity code at My Acura (myacura.com). If you lose the Anti-theftIdentification Card beforeregistering the code at My Acura,you must obtain the code from yourdealer or. To do this, you will need theaudio system’s serial number. If youdo not have the serial number withyou, ask your dealer or go toforinformation on how to retrieve it.If you lose the Anti-theftIdentification Card, you must obtainthe code from your dealer. To do this,you will need the audio system’sserial number. If you do not have theserial number with you, ask yourdealer how to retrieve it.You need to enter a separate codefor the navigation system toreactivate. The Anti-theft Card alsolists the navigation system’s securitycode and serial number. Follow thesame procedure to retrieve the serialnumber and obtain the code, andread the navigation system manualfor details.https://radionavicode.acura.com/ https://radionavicode.acura.com/Canadian ownersModels with navigation systemU.S. ownersRadio Theft Protection280NOTE:11/07/20 18:35:54 31SJA670_285