You’ll find many safetyrecommendations throughout thissection, and throughout this manual.The recommendations on this pageare the ones we consider to be themost important.A seat belt is your best protection inall types of collisions. Airbags aredesigned to supplement seat belts,not replace them. So even thoughyour vehicle is equipped with airbags,make sure you and your passengersalways wear your seat belts, andwear them properly (see page ).Children age 12 and under shouldride properly restrained in a backseat, not the front seat. Infants andsmall children should be restrainedin a child seat. Larger childrenshould use a booster seat and a lap/shoulder belt until they can use thebelt properly without a booster seat(see pages ).While airbags can save lives, theycan cause serious or fatal injuries tooccupants who sit too close to them,or are not properly restrained.Infants, young children, and shortadults are at the greatest risk. Besure to follow all instructions andwarnings in this manual.Alcohol and driving don’t mix. Evenone drink can reduce your ability torespond to changing conditions, andyour reaction time gets worse withevery additional drink. So don’t drinkand drive, and don’t let your friendsdrink and drive, either.Excessive speed is a major factor incrash injuries and deaths. Generally,the higher the speed, the greater therisk, but serious injuries can alsooccur at lower speeds. Never drivefaster than is safe for currentconditions, regardless of themaximum speed posted.Having a tire blowout or amechanical failure can be extremelyhazardous. To reduce the possibilityof such problems, check your tirepressures and condition frequently,and perform all regularly scheduledmaintenance (see page ).Engaging in mobile phoneconversation or other activities thatkeep you from paying close attentionto the road, other vehicles andpedestrians could lead to a crash.Remember, situations can changequickly, and only you can decidewhen it is safe to divert attentionaway from driving.1738 55445Important Safety PrecautionsAlways Wear Your Seat BeltRestrain All ChildrenBe Aware of Airbag HazardsDon’t Drink and DriveControl Your SpeedKeep Your Vehicle in SafeConditionPay Appropriate Attention to theTask of Driving Safely811/07/20 18:00:25 31SJA670_013