If equippedYour vehicle has a backup sensorsystem. This system lets you knowthe approximate distance betweenyour vehicle and most obstacles withan audible signal while you areparking.The sensors are installed in the rearbumper. There are two cornersensors, one on each side, and twocenter sensors in the middle of therear bumper.The system is activated and a beepersounds once when you put thetransmission into reverse. As yourvehicle is nearing an obstacle, thesystem makes the audible signal tolet you know the approximatedistance between your vehicle andthe obstacle. If there are more thantwo obstacles around the rearbumper, the system informs you ofthe nearest obstacle’s distance fromthe rear bumper.All obstacles may not always besensed. Even with this system, youshould look for obstacles near yourvehicle to make sure it is safe to park.The beeping changes according tothe distance between the rearbumper and an obstacle:Distance from the BumperCornerSensorsCenterSensorsWithin59 in(150 cm)Within39 in(100 cm)Within20 in(50 cm)SignalShort beepsVery shortbeepsContinuousbeepsCONTINUEDWithin24 in(60 cm)Within16 in(40 cm)Within10 in(25 cm)OperationBackup Sensor System Features37711/07/20 18:50:00 31SJA670_382