Figure 4.7 illustrates how to change the frequency reference from F 0.00 (0 Hz) to F 6.00 (6 Hz) while in the Drive Mode.This example assumes the drive is set to LOCAL.ESCF1 F2← →← →← →Frequency referencedisplay at power upPress to select LOCALPress until the frequencyreference changes to 006.00 Hzleft right- MODE -U1-01= 0.00HzU1-02= 0.00HzU1-03= 0.00ADRVFREF (OPR)RdyJOG FWD FWD/REVLSEQLREF- MODE -U1-01= 6.00HzU1-02= 0.00HzU1-03= 0.00ADRVFREF (OPR)RdyJOG FWD FWD/REVLSEQLREF-MONITR-FREF (d1-01)U1-01= 000.00Hz“0.00Hz”DRVFWDRdy-MONITR-FREF (d1-01)U1-01= 006.00Hz“0.00Hz”DRVFWDRdy-MONITR-FREF (d1-01)U1-01= 006.00Hz(0.00 ~ 60.00)“0.00Hz”DRVFWDRdyEntry Accepted (0.00 ~ 60.00)(0.00 ~ 60.00)Figure 4.7 Setting the Frequency Reference while in the Drive ModeNote: The drive will not accept a change to the frequency reference until the ENTER key is pressed after the frequency reference is entered. Thisfeature prevents accidental setting of the frequency reference. To have the drive accept changes to the frequency reference as soon as changesare made without requiring the ENTER key, set o2-05 to 1.n Programming Mode DetailsThe following actions are possible in the Programming Mode:• Parameter Setting Mode: Access and edit all parameter settings.• Verify Menu: View a list of parameters that have been changed from the default values.• Setup Group: Access a list of commonly used parameters to simplify setup (Refer to Simplified Setup Using the SetupGroups on page 121).• Auto-Tuning Mode: Automatically calculate and set motor parameters to optimize drive performance.u Changing Parameter Settings or ValuesThis example explains changing C1-02 (Deceleration Time 1) from 10.0 seconds (default) to 20.0 seconds.Step Display/Result1. Turn on the power to the drive. The initial display appears.- MODE -U1-01= 0.00HzU1-02= 0.00HzU1-03= 0.00ADRVFREF (OPR)RdyJOG FWD FWD/REVLSEQLREF2. Press or until the Parameter Setting Mode screen appears.HELP- MODE - PRGDATAProgrammingFWD3. Press to enter the parameter menu tree.← →-PRMSET-InitializationSelect LanguagePRGFWDA1-00= 04. Press or to select the C parameter group.← →-PRMSET-Basic SetupAccel Time 1PRGFWDC1-01= 10.0 sec5. Press two times.-PRMSET-Accel/DecelAccel Time 1PRGC1-01= 10.0 sec-PRMSET-C1-01= 10.0Sec(0.0~6000.0)“10.0 sec”PRGAccel Time 1← →FWD ← →FWD4.3 The Drive, Programming, and Clock Adjustment Modes118 YASKAWA SIEP YAIP1U 01C AC Drive - P1000 Technical Manual