Macintosh EtherTalk Network (MacOS 8.x/9.x/X, version 10.1)PhaserÆ 8200 Color Printer 31Macintosh troubleshooting (MacOS 8.x/9.x/10.1)The steps in this procedure should eliminate cabling, communication, and connection problems.Complete these steps, then run a test print from your software application. If the job prints, no furthersystem troubleshooting is necessary. For print quality problems, see Troubleshooting in the Phaser8200 Color Printer User Guide on the Software and Documentation CD-ROM.Macintosh troubleshooting step-by-stepPerform Steps 1 and 2 if you are using Mac OS 8.x or 9.x.1. Start the Chooser in Operating System 8 or greater software and select the LaserWriter driver.2. If the printer name appears, your printer is communicating through the network. You do not needto perform any of the checks outlined in this section. If your printer name does not appear, proceedto Step 3.3. Verify that the printer is plugged in, turned on, and connected to an active network.4. Verify cable connection to the printer from the network.5. For AppleTalk, follow the steps below. For TCP/IP (MacOS X, version 10.1 only), continue toStep 6.a. From the printerís front panel, verify that EtherTalk is enabled. If not, enable it in the frontpanel and reset the printer.b. Print the Configuration Pages and verify that EtherTalk is enabled.c. From the Configuration Pages, verify the Zone. If you have multiple zones on your network,be certain your printer appears in the desired zone.Perform Step 6 only if you are using MacOS X, version 10.1.6. For TCP/IP, follow the steps below.a. Open the Network Utility and select the Ping tab.b. Enter your printerís IP address.c. Click Ping. If you do NOT get a response, confirm that your TCP/IP settings are correct forboth your printer and Macintosh.7. If you are still unable to print, refer to the Xerox web site at or access PhaserSMART through CentreWare Internet Services. From a web browser,enter your printerís IP address. Select Support. Select the Technical Support link to accessPhaserSMART.