Printer ManagementPhaserÆ 8200 Color Printer 9MaiLinX alertsMaiLinX alerts allows the printer to automatically send email to the system administrator and othersunder the following conditions: When printer errors, warnings, and alerts occur. When the printer requires attention (for example, when service is required or supplies need to bereplenished). When a reply to a CentreWare IS Remote Internet Printing message is desired. See online help formore information on CentreWare IS Remote Internet printing.Three designated users can receive messages: SysAdmin, Service, and Key User. Printer messagesreporting errors, alerts, and warnings can be individually assigned to any of these users. You cancustomize the message text and the subject line in the Status Notification messages.Status Notification is supplied by the printerís SMTP (Simple Mail Transport Protocol) client.Setting up CentreWare IS status notification1. Connect to the printer via CentreWare IS by entering your printerís IP address into your browser.2. On the right side of the main CW IS page, click Properties.3. On the left side of the page, click Mail Alerts.4. Follow the instructions on the page to set up Status Notification.5. Click Save Settings to save your changes.For complete information on CentreWare IS Status Notification, see the CentreWare IS online help.Usage profile reportsThe printer can generate reports detailing printer usage. Usage profile reports track over 100 items,including: Unique printer information, such as printer name, date installed, total pages printed, optionsinstalled, and network ID. Supplies usage data (for example, toner or ink). By tracking supplies usage, you can order suppliesin advance, so your printer will always be well-stocked with supplies. Media and tray information, such as how often prints are made on paper compared totransparencies, and how often each tray is used. Job characteristics, such as size and timing of jobs.