lvlav. 31, 2012 9:lSAlVlTOSHIBANo 1530 P, 2Document; GF0776{'I-BINSTRUGTION$IilSTALLATION . OPEFATION . MAINTENANCEType VK & HVK Series Vacuum Circuit Breakers 5-15kVAPPLICABLE TYPE FORMS(1200A) (20004) (30004)VK.6M32A VK.6P32AI.IVK.6M32A HVK-6P32AVK.6M4OA VK.BP4OAHVK-6M4OA HVK'6P4OAVK"8M4OA VK-8P4OA VK-8O40HVK-8M4OA HVK-8P4OA,VK.1OM25A2 VK-1OF25A2HVK-lOM25A2 HVK-I0P26A2VK-10M40A VK-10P40A VK-10040HVK-1OM4OA HVK.IOP4OAvK-6M50 vK-6P50 VK-6050vK-10M50 VK-10P50 VK-10()50NOTES: t) The designation of H before vK (i€. HVKI dsnot€s that the circuit braaker unitwas assembled in the USA using domestic and foreigri components. All' relErgnces to modal numbere in thie manual will be by the numbets followingthe VK- and HVK-.2l Thi! manuel waB writtan lor tha Toshiba typ€ form circuit brsakers listed onthi$ page used in coniunction with Toshiba cells. For circuit brsek6rs utilized inthe convereion of othsr equipment, a supplemental i struction manu8l Shouldbe obEain6d from lhe conversion manufacturer.lssued 2/95. Supemedee GF077401-A Deted 12194.