lvlav. 31 2012 9: 24Al\4 No, 1530 P 59Page 56 GONVERSIONSVMDThe VMD {Vacuum Circuir Bresker Monitoring Device} is a device used to monitor the clrcuit breeksrduring a ctoiing oparetlon lnhiated by an alactrical eignal and will trip the circuit blEaker open $houlda dow or incorhplete clo$ing operation occur. Tlts rafEty davlcE rhould be lnstslled on any TorHbaclrcuh breaker udlked ln a corwerslon that uses the mAifi Opeflidg-Closing $haft for any porpos€8other dlen the mrmal open+lose oparadon or 1fie oFeradon ol a Toshlba MOC.lTWmil Do not ovcrload rhe circuit breaker operatlng mechanlsm, Slow or lncomplete oloslngof dle clrcult bteaket can oau9e fire Nfid explotion, retulting in aavsla injury, d6ath 8nd plopittydamege.The VMD monitors ths pedormance of the circuit breaker dutlng the closing operation from anelecric€l signal. lf the circuit breaker faile to cloae within lOomsec after an electrical closing Sigttalhag been sent, the VMD will send an electrioal signal to a sscondary trip coil. This coil will trip thechcuit breakar open at any physical poinr of rhe closing operation and r€l€as€ any en€tgy stored inthe claiing springs, thus rEducing tha chancEs of o serious electrical failute.Once the vMD has performed o tripping opararion, it will eut the control circuit powe/ to the chargingmotor thus preventing the closing springs from being rachatged. This will tandBr the c:rcuit breakertemgorarily inoperable. The VMD will reset automatically only sftsr the control circuit powBr has bssnidterru pted .An indicating ligh thar prorrudes elightly through tho circuit breaker lront cover will be illuminatedif rhs VMD h€8 p€rform€d a trlpplng op€ration.Should the VMD trip the circuh breaker open, the circuit breakel must be removed from service anda thotough inspection made to determine lhe cause of tha elow or incomplete closing of the circuitbr6akor. The cause of the slow or incomplete closing mu$t be correctsd bdfore placing tho circuitbro|ker back in servica,Do not lesct thc vltD or attemDt circuit bfeaker op€mtiono, i comFlete cloling has baan determlned and corrected' Fallule to dountl th6 cauaa of dow$o oan Cluse fire andexploslon. r6dtirrg ln $evse iniury, detth anal ptopafty damagc'Refer to the VMD manual GF077690 for more intormation ragarding opetEtion and maintenance'