|v1av.31.2012 9:l8AlM No. 1530 P, 21INSTALLATION Page 17WhEn drawing out the circuit braakar from theConnected Po6ition to th6 Teit Fosition:1) Firit check to mako sure the open-closedindicetor r6ads 'OPEN- {gr6sn}.Fire and exploaion harerd.Trlp clrcult breaket open bcfoa€ attsmptng tor.ck th6 clrcult brraker out d th. ConnectedPosition.2) Lift thB int€rlock l€v6r.A CNfiO{ : To avold equlpme t damage,.lo not push the clo3lng button lgrEenl whllethc lnterlock Lever ii l;fted.3) lnsen the raching handle (Fig. 271,4l Turn the racking handle coufterclookwiseto mov€ ths circuit broakBr to th8 TertPositj,on.5) Stop rotating th€ racking handlo whsn theraeking $crew thread has cleared theracking nut, You will hear a click sound asths arrow at th6 lowdr pan of the circuitbreaker '$ aligned with ths rsd llne of tn6TEst Porldon indicaiing line,E) Rem0ve the racking handle.7) Check to verify the lntarlock levar hasdropped completEly.Fig- 2a Turning Racking Hendlg