lrlav 31, 2012 9:22Ah1 No. 1530 P. 499)10tConfirm the conrinuhy of th6 'NC" {b}contact$ with a tegter (Terrhinals No. t -2,6-6, e-1O, 13-14 and l7-181.Confilm th€ non-continuity of ths "NO"(a) contaots urith a test€r (TerminalsNo.3'4, 7-8, 11-12, 15-16 and 19'201.Manually chdtge the closing springs.Unit contrins powerfulsprlngs, Do not dace your hsnd$ or any part olyour body lnrlde the c.lrcuh breakel ot neal flemschinism whila tfu rpdngn arc CHARGED orthe cftbrdt btcaftct if CLOSED.11) Manually close the oircuit brBaker bypressing the Closing Bwton.Conlirm the non-continuw of the "NC'(b) contacte with I t€st€r lTerminaleNo. 1-2. 5-6, 9-10, 13-14 and 17-18).Confirm the conrinuhy of the "NO'r (a)contactg (T€rmin8l No. 3-4, 7-A, 11-!2, 15-16 and 19-20).Manually trip the circult brgakgr bypressing the Trip tsutton.Contirm that ths circuir breaker can beelectrioally operetad (Close. ChargB andTrip),Confirm than no parts or tool$ are leftin ths circuit brsEker.Raplacs tha'from cover (Fig, 69),Fig. E8 Remov6d Auxiliary Switch12t13)14tlSt17t F c, 5g ReplEce Front Cover