illav. 3l 2012 9 : Z3AlVl No 1530 P. t4REFLACEMEITIT OF THE CONTBOT CIRCUITBOARD FUSEDo not reFlaee th6 ControlCirEuit Board FurE wfth the choult bGaker inthe Connected or Tatt Poaltlon, Tum off andlock out Mald and Co trol Circuit FowEt betotesarulclng.E@] 66ns* th.t th€ clrcultbraakar lndlcators Ehow "DISCHARGED-lwhitel end 'OPEN' lt6dt before cervicing.PROCEDURE;1) confitm the rated operatlng voltaga andrated current of luse using Tebls Ibefore tha raplac6mBnt"2l Remove the lront covsr ol the circuitbroak€r,3l Disconnect the wire harness connBctorfrom th€ control circuit boald socket bypulling the connector straight out whiledepressing the connestor tab to unlockir (Ftg. 69,.ACAtmOil : Turnlng o? rotatlnsconnsctor care ot pulling on conn6ctor wltssctn caut6 contact tallurE,4l R€mova th€ thumbscrew (Fig. 701,ratate th(t retalnlng apring downward6nd dr8w out the Control Clrcuir Board(Flg. 71).5i Replace the fuse (Fig. 72) and slide thecard back into placs.Rotate the ,etalnihg spring back intoposition and tigffien the thumbicr€w.6tFlg, 69 Full out tho ConnEctorTeble 9. FuseOperetinE VoltiEs RetEd Fusa Current30 VDC 4 Amp4a vDc 2 Amp1 00/1 10 vDc 1,5 Ampt 25 VDc 1.5 Amp200/220 vDc 3/4 Amp250 VDc 3/4 AmpFig, 70 Remove the Thumbsaruw