lvlav. 31 2012 9: 16AM No 1530 P. tlGENERAL DESCRIPTION Page 7The Toshiba VK & HVK Serias medium voltagecircuit breakers in thi6 manuel are dasigned forapplica offi at utilization voltages ranglno from5 kv to 15 kV and intorrupting ratings rangingfrom 250 MvA to 1000 MVA. The circuitbreakarg are inlended for use only in metal-claddlstriburion switchgear and other lifititedapplicttions.Fig. 7, Fig. 8, and Fig, g illust.ate and identifyvarious component8 of the circuit b'eaker,COMPONENTS LEGEND:1 ) Handle lor moving circuit breakar2l Secondary disconnects3) Rsting intBrlock pin0M/P/oF080401004010M/P/o504l lnterlock lever5) Whssl6) Primary disconnscts7l BarrierBl Rscking scrsw9) Vacuum interrupter1O) Flexible conductor11) lnsulatsd opsration rod1Zl Bating interlock plat€6M/P32A6M/P4OA'10M|P25A210M/P40A8M/P4OAUBE only g€nulne ToshibareplacBm€nt parE and accatsod68. lmproP€rcomponEl'tr could cauee the citcuit breaker tomalfunction.Fis. 8 Sids ViewFio. 7 Front ViawFls, I Rear View