ftlav 31 20l2 9: 2OAlVl No 1530 P. 30SERVICIITIG EOI,IPMENTFor your safety, turn ott and lock out main andcontrol circuit powel betoae servicing th€circuit brsek6r.Should ssrvica to thB circuit bleaker borequired while tho system remains energized,enrome caution ust be sxarcisdd. Al8o,certain minimum safety procedu/es mu$t befollowed:1) Only qualtfiad perronnel should attemptthis 38rvic6.2) Oo not servic€ a eircuit bteaker unit whileconnected to ths line lerminals. withdrawthe de-energized circuit break€r from theanargiead main bus before sgrvicing.Never sE.YicE the olrsultbreaker whlla ln the Cormeoted Porition.3) Verify that the automatic Iine tsrminalEhutters are closgd, Ilcver service a unitunless the$6 Shutters ara fully closed.4) ltleve. perform s6rvic€ on or next toexposed components energizEd with lin€volteg6.lIfimFildl Fairure to adhere ro rh€s€ittety pmc€durt3 can tG8ult ln 5everc iniury.death ard $evere prop€rty damagB'