Nlav 31. 2012 9:l9AM No. 1530 P. 12Page 18 PRE-ENERGIZATION CHECKOE ERALBEFORE ETIEEGIZITUG THE CIRCUIT EFEAXERfor the fir$t time, lollow the procedure belowto verify that the aquipment iB properlyinstalled and funotional.ISE@E nu2arddu voltage, Tum ofr andlock oui dl prim.ry and control clrcltlt por,\rsrsources tttiot to perforrning ttlS pre-energlzadon check.nffil Do not orerfie th6 6s$pm6ntundl a compleE safEty inspecffon hm beenmede.nwARmG] Do not enerEize dsffaged6qrlpm6nt that ha3 noi bsen repalred orvcrified,Eml Do nat remove, cover ordestsoy iny safew 6igrB.fllffigl Do not operEt€ th," .qrrpmentuftil all pand$ and Govelt hav6 b6an rcplaced.n Prior to operating the clrcuit br€eker, besu.e that thG citcuit breakel unit is installedin the correct All block or oth6r t€mporary braces usedlor $hipment must be removed,E Before alosing ,the snclosure, all mstalchipe, scrap wire snd othel deblis left overfrom instelletion muBt bs cleanad out.E Cover all unueed openings inthe circuit breaket.cellr allELEC'RICAt CHECKSnWARl|[Ql Eecrrical shocknot touch energlzed componentsu$ng auxiliary Power'panels and A Eupply ot epEre parts, fuses, etc. shouldbe e3tsbllshrd.I lnstructlon manuals snd diagrams shouldbe collected and filed.n Replace all pans, guards and batriers thatmay have b'een rEmoved during wiring andin$allation.hazard. Doduring a tertD An 6l6ctrical insulation tesistance testshould be performsd to verify that thecircuit brsaker and associated fi€ltt wilingarg fres from shon circuits and grounds,Refe/tothe MAINTENANCE SEction of thismanual for additional information.EmllRlrB[q Hazardous vortages arepr$ent .luring dialEctrlc testlng whlch canreault ln serious iniury or daath. High polentlaltaat3 should be parformed only by qualifiedpeftonnel.. All switchos dnd circuit breakers must besel to the OFF and/or OPEN positlon beforsBnergiu ing incoming Powet'thellanual GLOBlllG EUTfoFig. 3O Typical From Circuit Breaket LeYout