![Toshiba VK-6M32A Installation Operation & Maintenance Manual pdf 27 page image](https://manuals-archive2.s3.amazonaws.com/5738375/38bd153726feb00e51e68c40a121dabe27f.jpg)
N1ay. 31 2012 9; 20AlV No. 1530 P 28OPERATION Page 25MECHANIgM OPERATIOITIfAlmml|Fl Do not modify or ovedosd thcclrcult breaker operati g mechanism. Slowclo:ure of the broaker could re5ult in file andexplo6ion.A. ClosingThe condition shown in Fig. 40 repressntsthe condition whete the oircuit breakst lsopen and the closing spring i$ charged(ready for cloringl. ln this condition, thaclosing catch is released by the closingbutton or th8 closing coil, the closingspring csuses the cam lo rotate quicklyinto the condilion shown in Fig. 41 inwhich the circuit breaker is closed.B, ChargingFrom ths closed condition ol Fig. 41 onlythe closing cam is rotaled by tha motor,with thB circuit breaker kept closed, ufiilthe roller on th6 cam sngages with thecatch.TrippingWh6n thB trip Bhaft ig released by lhe tripbutton or the trip coil, dll tha linke raturn tothe original open oondition shown inFig.40.Trip FreeWhed the trip crtch ls r€lea3€d, tho linkwill move to the trip free condition Shownin Fig. 42. When rha charging operation iscompleted, the link wili asBums the opencondition.Fig.40 MechanismOpenedD.Fig.41 MBchNniBm lmmEdiBtBly attefClosing by SignalFig.42 MschNnism TriPPed Free