llav. 3I 2012 0, 15AM No. 1530 P6Page 2 SAFETYREAD ALL SAFETY SIGNSSafety slgns are placed on ths circuitbreaker for your safety and imtruction.BeEd and follow tha instructions in thismanual and on tho safety signs locatodon rhe equipment.Keep the sefsty sign viaible and in goodshape,Never removg, damag6, or covat anysafety sign.ElDltagr|rtnfilrlclElrltrictllim. eemre orlanrrr lta E[EtH^TNHEH'IEr ArN.irfit' m,tlatFGaHtE. tt clal tFq-lllli-HirdE. DEEdtgqt trLrdarqrc(ilt* Hlf,ln*fa irll trdrlecEtdhrb. ffi lrrildr,iq ntt!.ltffilr*flm rrrlt r[ ffiEF]a !!cltlrdhLilriFtLE. btuhht!5ttrttlldy-tCrttlUEl*'Etrf rrE t&r'ClUfiFa'd.aEr,. orF tFtt cF#tbrtdfrFEAD tt€tnrJdflol{ t&lluAl BEFoRE ATTElptlE THE FoUOlltttt pfiQOEltJfiESuAr{rAl oFEE s PmcEDt'AeTo $lA*E stf,Negl n .g chlrliE f5t* toqrl cevst crd hE(t1. ii! ;htd. bro Soqbr OF..fte.BtEa -l} t& tlF fd Dcttt unfl a cH b tLtlllerd sEtla rr&or R.le ofiAndD g.lqr).Rd€ ldt{e Fdt r'ilttHr l5t rtd R€tbat 8o.ld Csnr'1rO.La!!FSREAIGRT Fllhdlrat,(! G eJfllll Ctqi Es'b.lre\irf, Tllql R€rd ctoeED (is0 {td OlSCt{AffiED 0rn'}7o OPB{ BRE xE t h.lr A. TflrP gJftSL Ch * hdr..li*dor lrThrl h @sl (Glifit rd ol8C+lrhOED $nr.!lfiftE fhe Folci'rn C||t R€sa h Ef,+trsr Olttqg.o.dgidl * rlE cLodta gt tTct{ lllfi 1'lr€ drEi Er*. clllg4r'aj-r!+*n Oa The cr.CElcc BUTllll Yflt llro wTEH.rffi lE\rEB Br*rrD.i.doi Cl Tlta dr6 E gufltil !\{l lltelilP Jtlofi D'F t'c5'NsnLLAfn chElaol/^l.jITFEATOB t{$i FFd OtSfi RaED (!lt{t} Atld OpBl GlE€o) 8.aort lttcgr*. Cfi tf mH lllo cjr Fentle lErnn Tll. Ocl (ffi).