l!1av. 31. 2012 9:2OAM No. 1530 0 11,)Page 28 MAINTENANCEINSPECTION AHD MAIIITENANCE TYPE$IUOTE: Refer to the SAFETY sactlon ot thismanual lot impqnant intormation.For points and types of lubticationrefer to Fig. 43A. Acc€ptancB lnspsctionThis inspaction confirme that the circuitbredke. unit ie completa, corr€ct asepeciJied, and undamaged from Ehlpmant.Th6 procEdure for this in$pection lsoutlined in ths BECEIVING eEction of thismanual.B, Ftsfiol ln$pectionlnspection of the condition of th€ circuitbreaker while energized.1) Check thar no unugual sounds or smollsexists axternally.C. Vi$ual lnsp€otionlnspection perform.d with thB circuitbreaker withdrawn flom ths switchge8rcompanm6nt.I ) Wiih front covet removed, inspectentire clrcult breaker fot deformation,ruai or any other typss olabnormalities-D. Periodicel lnapectionlnspec on parformed with the circuitbteaker withdrawn from the Bwitchg€arcompanment.1l Psrform Visual lnspection.2) Clean and lightly coat the contactinggurfac€s ol rh€ main conductive panswith Toshiba B8 greas€.3) Close and ttip circuit br€ek€r manuallyand alectrically to insure Properoperation of m€chaniom. ChEck wiPemeasurement (Pg. 361.4) lnspect to insure lubricadon of slidingend rotating pans.5) LubricEt€ sliding and rotating parts withmachine oll ts r€quirod.6) Test the clrcuit breeksr to inaurB thatprimary and $econdary circuit in3ulationreeistances are within Toshibalnternetlonal Corporatian specilications(Pg. 35).E, Detail lnspectionlnspection performad with rhe circuitbreaker drawn outside of th€ switchgaatcompertm€nt.1 I Parform Periodical lnspefiion.2) Re-grease sliding and roteting part8.Feplac€ cotrBr pins and E{ings that areremoved with ngw ona8.3) Perform diol€ctrlc test (s6e VacuumChack on Pg. 37)'4) Test the circuit bisak6r to insure thatclosing time (Pg. 201, openlng timB (Fg.2O) and minimum operating voltagestPg. 48) of bolh the closa and trip coilsar€ within Toshiba lnternationalCorporation sp€cifications.F. O\rernaulComplete di3assembly of circuit breaker toreplace worn pdrts Es required. Clsan andre-greaae all parts, To be performed only byToshiba lntgrnational Corporation,