Nlav ll 2012 9:2lAM No 1530 P 39Page 36 MAINTENANCEwlPE MEASUBEMEIVTwhen the clrcuit bloaker is closed. pres.Bwe onthe maln comact$ inside the vaouuminterrupter iE maimained by a set of springs.As the mein contacts inside the vacuuminterruptet wear, the amount of wipe on thesprings decrcases. Wipe is used to measulecofttact w€ar and maimain contact prsasure.The docrea$e in wipe i$ also u$ed to det€rmin€whsh to replace the vacuum bottle due towsar of th6 contactg,iAmfq J{6v61 use a crrcuh breakerwlth insufficient uripe. lnsufficient wha willcEuas poor cor*act prcrsute and can ru$ult infiri. arplosion, ewere lnlury, daath andp.opeity d6mage.EWAsllG] rvau.r aqu$ the wrpe of avacuurn i terrupter- lmpropsl edjusrrnent ofthe wlp€ can rcsult in fte, explo6ion, Seveleiniury, daadl end Flop€rty damag€,For: 6M32A 1OM25A26P32A r0P25A25M40A l0M40A6P40A 10P40A8M4OA8P4OAWirh th6 circuit breaker closed, visually checkthe wipe mark (redl ae shown in Fig. 46. Thoirnerrupter mu€t be replaoed when tho wlpomark ia no longer'n t FLrLL tt I P=lI3- MAtrKt R=DlFiS. 46 wipe lnspectionPLATEr-lmm C;ULL wlPE)fig, 47 Wipe ln6pecdonFor: 5M506P506050804010040r0Mso10P5010050With ths circuit breakar clos6d, measure thewipe as shown in Fig. 47. Ths lnterrupter mu8tb6 roplac€d when the bldck extends 1mmbelow the plat6. .All servicing and replacemem of vacuuminterrupters should bg done by Toshibalnternational Corporation, Consult the factoryfor further details.