tvlav 31 2012 9: l5Al!1 [1o 1530 P5SAFETY Page 1IITJIPO RTAI{T MESSAG ESR€ad thls manual and follow lt3 Instruotlons. Signal words such as DANGER' WAFNINGenrf CAUTION will bB lollowsd by imponam safety information that must be catafullvreviewed.lndjcates a situation which will tesult in death, serious iniury, ands€vsrB propeny damage if you do not follow instructions'|[mmiilG"l M66n3 that you might be seriouslv iniured or killod if you do not lollowr-:'-J instructions, S€vste property demage tflight also occur.A CAlmOil : Mean3 that you might be injured if vou do not follow instructions.Equipment damage might elso occur.NOTE: Gives you nelpful informallon'SAFETY CODE$Comply with all applicable state and local codes' Unless $upsrssdad by etate and localcodei, adhere to all appliceble ANSI, OSHA, IEEE, NEMA and National Eteclrical Cods{NFPA 70) and'Maintenance ProcEdures in NFPA 708 standarde. This includes sl6ndardspenalnlng to the manufaetu.e, a88embly, installation, grounding, maintananca, conversion,lating and ope€tion of:1 ) Metehclad switchgear2) Power swltchge8r3) MetaFclad snd stEtion typg cubiclE switchgsar4) AC hiqh voltagB circuit braakers