lvlav 31 2012 9: 19A[1 No, 1530 P. 23OPERATION Page 19MANUAL OPERATIONITWmmo] powcrfl spdns6, Do norplace your hends or iny part Of your bodyinside thi$ equipfient whlle any lndlcatorahows "CHARGED' {yallow) or 'CLOSED'kedl.A. Manual Chdrging of Closing gpring(Fio.31)1l Rgmove tho charging handle cover,ldsert the charging handle into theopening for th6 manual charginghandle.2l Rarchet tha h€ndl€ up and downseveral tirnes {u$u8lly 7 times) untii aclick (latch) sound is heard end thaclosing spring chargihg indicatotchanges fioilt "Dl$CHARGED" (whitelto "CHARGED" (yellow). This is theposition wh6rB th6 closing spring ischarged and no further movement ofths handl€ is required.3) Remove the charging h6ndl6 andr6plac6 ths cover plat6 to the Opening.NOTE: The number of times the handlemust be opefsted depends on thesngle of handla oparation.B, Manual Closing OperationPueh the manualclosing button (green) andth6 circuit braakBr will close (Fig. 32). Atthis time the open-closed indicator reads"CLOSED" (rad) and th€ spring chargingindicaror turn3 to "Dl$CHARGED" (whlto).A CAIIIIOII : To dvoid equipme r damagedo not push the closlng button lgreenl whlleth3 clrcult braakar ia closad.A CNmON : To avold cqulpment damEgedo not puNh th. clo3ing button lgrEEnl whil6the ffp button lred) i$ depressed.C. Manual Qpening (Tripping) OperationPush the trip bwton (red) and the circuitbreaker will open, The opan-closedindicator {Fig. 33} will r6ad "OPEN"(greenl.Fig,32Fis. 3l Msnusl Chsqing of Clo$ing SpringCircuit Br6iksr Clo€ddFig. 33 Circuit Breaker Trlpped Open