288document: 1) A file containing a report, letter, user guide, etc. 2) In Windows 95,Windows 98 or Windows NT, any file that contains the information you areworking on. See also file.documentation: The set of manuals and/or other instructions written for the users of acomputer system or program. Computer system documentation typicallyincludes procedural and tutorial information as well as descriptions of systemfunctions.double-click: To press and release the mouse button rapidly twice without moving themouse. In Windows, refers to the left mouse button, unless otherwise stated.double-density diskette: A diskette that holds up to 360 KB (5.25-inch) or 720 KB (3.5-inch) of information.download: 1) To receive a file from another computer through a modem. 2) To transmitfont data from the computer to a printer. See also upload.dpi: Dots per inch. The number of ink dots printed per linear inch. For example, a printerspecification of 300 x 300 dpi means that the printer can make 300 dots perinch both vertically and horizontally.drag: To hold down the mouse button while moving the cursor. Refers to the left mousebutton, unless otherwise stated.driver: See device driver.dual in-line package (DIP): A standard for packaging integrated circuits by enclosingthem in a rectangle of ceramic or plastic with downward-pointing connectionpins.DSP: A digital signal processor is a chip designed for real-time applications. DSPtechniques are used in PC processors as well as media engines. For example,some high-end notebooks use a DSP chip to provide Sound Blaster emulationas well as 28.8 modem support.duplex: The method used to transmit data in both directions between two devices.Synonymous with full duplex. See also half duplex, full duplex.