Server Setup Tool Starting SST 151Setup Option screenBeep sound in case of disk changeSounds an audible alert (beep) to change storage media (CD-ROM and diskette).Start installation according to parameter settings at boot timeThe next time the SST starts, installation begins automatically after a confirmationmessage using the configuration information stored on the Startup Disk. If the necessarydevices have not yet been installed, their device drivers will not be installed. If this optionis not selected, the SST starts normally at the Main Menu.Confirm partition information during installation procedureA dialog box appears, requiring you to confirm the deletion of the existing partition. If adisk partition already exists, a confirmation message appears, asking if you want todelete the partition. If this option is not selected, setup deletes the partition withoutprompting for confirmation.❖ After making your entries, click Next.NOTE: If you have an existing partition, it will be deleted before installation begins.