Management Software Using HarnessEye/web 211Configure Alerts screenWhen you click Configure Alerts, the following screen displays.When events fulfilling the following condition are logged to the event log, alerts arenotified by the Configure Alert function to the Management Proxy.“The events filled the conditions of the Filter Settings, and not filled the conditions of theException Settings”Item ExplanationFilter Settings tab Lists notification conditions.Exception SettingstabLists exception conditions.Others tab Specifies other setting.Displays the next 10 information items.Displays the previous 10 information items.Change page Changes the data list currently displayed in units of 10 items.Specifying the target page number moves to the specifiedpage. The number of the page currently displayed is notunderlined.Detail When you select a condition data number button, a detailwindow for the corresponding condition data appears on thelower part of the screen.Edit Displays an edit window for the corresponding condition dataon the lower part of the screen.Del Select the check box of data you want to delete. The data willactually be deleted when you click the [Submit] button.Add Click this button to add new condition data. A new conditioncreation window appears on the lower part of the screen.Submit Submits the current all filter conditions to the Agent.