Hardware Diagnostics HW Diagnostics Program Main Menu 132STS shows the error status. The meaning of the error status depends on the test item.ADDR shows the address where the error occurredWD shows the write-data at the occurrence of the error.RD shows the read-data at the occurrence of the error.ERROR NAME / DETAILS shows the error name and its detail information.Key Operations for Log UtilitiesTo scroll the error log screen or to save and to clear the error log information, use thefollowing keys:System Configuration Display04.SYSTEM CONIGURATION screen displays configuration information. The screen isdivided into three tabs: SYSTEM CONFIG, SCSI DEVICES and BMC INFO.Key FunctionDown Arrow Scrolls to the next pageUp Arrow Scrolls to the previous pageEsc Finishes the error log screen and returns to the MainMenu1 Clears the error log information2 Prints out the error log information3 Reads the error log information saved on the floppy disk4 Saves the error information on the floppy diskNOTE: When the error log information is cleared using the 1 key, any errorinformation recorded on the diskette is also cleared. Also, if you exit the program orturn off the server, the error information is lost.