184 H7 ASD Operation ManualOCA 1,2, or 3U, V, or W PhaseShort CircuitThis fault occurs in theevent of a short circuit at theU (1), V (2), or W (3)output leads of the ASD.• Output resistance of the U,V, or W leads of the ASDare not within theacceptable range.• Ensure that the ASDoutput and the motor areconnected correctly.• Disconnect the motorfrom the ASD and retry.• Replace the applicableIGBT (U, V, or W).• Contact your Toshibadistributor for repairinformation.OCL MotorOvercurrent(Startup)This fault occurs when ashort circuit is detected atthe output of the ASD.• Output resistance of the U,V, or W leads of the ASDare not within theacceptable range.• Ensure that the output ofthe ASD is correctlyconnected to the motor.• Decrease the output shortcircuit detection pulse on-time settings of F614.OCR Dynamic BrakingResistorOvercurrentThis fault is caused by theinability of the system toadequately discharge thebus voltage duringregeneration.• No dynamic braking resistor(DBR) installed.• Deceleration time is tooshort.• Improper DBR setupinformation.• Defective IGBT7 (orIGBT7 ckt.).• Excessive input voltage.• Install a DBR.• Extend the decelerationtime.• Ensure that the DBRsetup information iscorrect (program ⇒protection parameters ⇒dynamic braking).• Increase the value of theDBR installed.• Replace IGBT7.• Ensure that the 3-phaseinput voltage is withinestablished parameters.OFF ST-to-CCOpenedThis fault is caused by theST-to-CC connection beingopen.• ST-to-CC connection isopen.• (If applicable) MS1 AUX isdefective, inoperative, orthere is an open circuit inthe MS1 AUX circuit (seeInstallation Notes on pg. 6).• Close the ST-to-CCconnection.• Confirm that the MS1AUX circuit isfunctioning properly.• Remove the ST-to-CCrequirement via Program⇒ Terminal SelectionParameters ⇒ InputSpecial Functions ⇒ STSignal Selection ⇒ ST-CC Not Required.EOIDisplay Function Description Possible Causes Corrective Actionwww . ElectricalPartManuals . com