182 H7 ASD Operation ManualETN Autotuning Error This fault is caused byAutotune readings that aresignificantly inconsistentwith the configurationinformation.• A non-3-phase motor isbeing used.• Incorrect settings at F400,F413, or F414.• Using a motor that has asignificantly smaller ratingthan the ASD.• ASD output cabling is toosmall, too long, or is beinghoused in a cable tray withother cables that areproducing an interferingEMF.• Motor is running during theAutotune function.• Confirm that the possiblecauses listed above arenot the cause for the error.• Check the nameplatedinformation on the motorand ensure that the ASDconfiguration is correct.• Record the Vector MotorModel settings beforeperforming the Autotuneand then perform theAutotune. Uponcompletion, press Escapeto exit the Autotunescreen and allow for ascreen refresh. Return tothe Vector Motor Modelsettings and ensure thatthe values have changed.If the values have notchanged, then theAutotune function wasaborted uncompletedbecause of one (or more)of the aforementionedreasons.• Make a service call if thefailure persists.ETYP ASD TypeformErrorThis fault occurs when thefirmware information(typeform) loaded into theGate Driver board isinconsistent with the devicein which the firmware isbeing used.• The Gate Driver board hasbeen replaced.• The Gate Driver board isdefective.• See Program ⇒ UtilityParameters ⇒ Versionsand confirm that thecorrect device typeappears in the first field.• Replace the Gate Driverboard and ensure that thenew board has beenprogrammed with thecorrect typeforminformation.INIT Parameter isUnderInitializationThis display provides anindication that a user-selected parameter is beinginitialized.• The user accesses aparameter during theinitialization of the selectedparameter.MOFF Main CircuitUndervoltageThis fault is caused by anundervoltage condition atthe 3-phase AC input to theASD.• Low input voltage. • If the utility line voltageis within acceptablelimits, make a servicecall.EOIDisplay Function Description Possible Causes Corrective Actionwww . ElectricalPartManuals . com