Attribute Data type Mapping with respect to SINU‐MERIKM/O DescriptionAddComment Not supported M Not supported and the result code shouldreturn Bad_MethodInvalid.ConditionRe‐freshMethodNone When the method is called up, an eventwith the current state is triggered for thecalling client for all conditions. Only thoseconditions are updated for which the Re‐tain flag has been set.Additional attributes of the AcknowledgeableConditionTypeAttribute Data type Mapping with respect to SINU‐MERIKM/O DescriptionAckedState Localized text True / False M AckedState when FALSE indicates that theCondition instance requires acknowledge‐ment for the reported Condition state.When the Condition instance is acknowl‐edged, the AckedState is set to TRUE.Confirmed‐StateLocalizedText True / False O ConfirmedState indicates whether it re‐quires confirmation.EnabledState Localized text True / False M Always set to trueAcknowledge Not supported M Not Supported and the return error codeshall be Bad_MethodInvalid.Confirm O The Confirm Method is used to confirm anEvent Notifications for a Condition instancestate where ConfirmedState is FALSE.Normally, the NodeId of the object instanceas the ObjectId is passed to the Call Serv‐ice. However, some Servers do not exposeCondition instances in the AddressSpace.Therefore all Servers shall also allow Cli‐ents to call the Confirm Method by specify‐ing ConditionId as the ObjectId. The Meth‐od cannot be called with an ObjectId of theAcknowledgeableConditionType Node.Additional attributes of the CncAlarmTypeThe CNCAlarmType is defined in the VDW Companion Specification “OPC UA InformationModel for CNC Systems”.Attribute Data type Mapping with respect to SINU‐MERIKM/O DescriptionAlarmIdentifi‐erString Unique Alarm id. M Unique alarm number. This mapped toAlarm ID.AuxParame‐tersString All available (out of 10) parame‐ters will be displayed in ‘ ‘ separa‐ted value.M 10 Auxilliary parameter values provided bySINUMERIK System.Functionality5.4 AlarmsSINUMERIK Integrate for Engineering Access MyMachine / OPC UAConfiguration Manual, 12/2017, 6FC5397-1DP40-6BA1 51