Parameter: Identifier Name of the dialogHeader Dialog header as text or call for text (e.g. $85011) from a language-specifictext file.Graphic Graphics file with path in double quotation marks.Dimension Position and size of the dialog in pixels (distance from left-hand side, dis‐tance from top, width, height), in relation to the upper left-hand corner of thescreen. The entries are separated by a comma.System or user variable System or user variable to which the current cursor position is assigned.The NC or PLC can be provided with the cursor position via the system oruser variable. The first variable has index 1. The order corresponds to theconfiguration order of the variables.Graphic position Position of the graphic in pixels (distance from left-hand side, distance fromtop), in relation to the upper left-hand corner of the dialog. The entries areseparated by a comma.Attributes The specifications of the attributes are separated by a comma.Possible attributes are:CM Column mode: Column alignmentCM0 Default setting: The column distribution is carried out separately for eachline.CM1 The column distribution of the line with the most columns applies to all lines.CB CHANGE block: Response when dialog is opened: cb attributes specifiedfor a variable in a variables definition take priority over the default setting inthe dialog definition.See also Behavior when opening the dialog (attribute CB) (Page 298).CB0 Default setting: All CHANGE blocks associated with the dialog are pro‐cessed when it is opened.CB1 CHANGE blocks are then only processed if the relevant value changes.XG Integration of an X3D animation as help display (only in the machining stepprogramming).Example://M(Meas/$85605/"myx3dhelpfile.hmi,,Z_Animation,,G17"///30,10/XG1)XG0 Default setting = 0XG1 The mask attribute XG must already be set to 1 in the mask definition, achange during runtime is not possible.Note:The specification in the mask property HLP must also be set accordingly.AL The alignment of the mask header can be influenced with the mask attributeAL.Example:Central setting of the "Set password" window header://M(MY_PWD_SET/”Set password”//"EasyPwdModalLayout"//AL2)AL0 Left-justified, defaultAL1 Right-justifiedAL2 CenteredDialogs4.1 Structure and elements of a dialogSINUMERIK Integrate Run MyScreens (BE2)Programming Manual, 12/2017, 6FC5397-1DP40-6BA1 51