2) The parameter is only displayed in the window if an initialization value was set.3) A name must be indicated for the chain element depending on the parameter assignment.4) The properties of the retraction positions are displayed depending on the "Selection of retraction"parameter.The following parameters are only displayed if they deviate from the initialization values:Parameter or property System variable DescriptionAssignment of chainsTool chainTool reference point $NT_T_REF_ELEM[n] Name of chain element forthe tool reference15.7.2 TRAORI_STAT for turningRequirementYou are on a KT element in the operating area "Start-up" → "NC" → "Transformations" → "New"and have selected the transformation type TRAORI_STAT - static orientation transformation(turning).The dialog for the combinations opens.Combinations of rotational axis to chainThe following combinations are permissible:Machine type Swivel axis inthe headSwivel axis inthe tableNumber of rotational axes in tool chain 2 1Number of rotational axes in workpiece chain 1 2System variable assignmentParameters are assigned for the following system variables using the operating software forthe TRAORI_STAT transformation type - static orientation transformation (turning):Parameter or property System variable DescriptionName $NT_NAME[n] Name of transformationAssignment of chainsTool chainOffset element1) $NT_CORR_ELEM_T[n, 0 - 3]$NT_CORR_ELEM_P[n, 0 - 3]Name of offset element formeasuring kinematicsRotational axis1) $NT_ROT_AX_NAME[n, 0 - 2] Name of chain element ofthe rotational axisTransformations15.7 Assigning parameters to transformation types and tool carriersSINUMERIK Operate (IM9)340 Commissioning Manual, 12/2017, 6FC5397-1DP40-6BA1