Configuring the channel operational messageSection MeaningCondStopIcons Specification of an icon that is to be displayed with a certain channel operationalmessage.If no icon is specified for a certain channel operational message, then the iconspecified for "DefaultIcon" is displayed.CondDelayTime Specification of how long (in milliseconds) a certain message must be presentbefore it is displayed.● If no time is specified for a certain channel operational message, then the timespecified at "DefaultDelayTime" is used.● If the channel operational message is to be displayed immediately, "0" mustbe specified as time.Procedure1. Save your own icon files under the following path in one of the intended subdirectories:/oem/sinumerik/hmi/ico or/user/sinumerik/hmi/icoDepending on the screen resolution, there are the following subdirectories:Directory PNG image size (pixels)/Ico640 16 x 16/Ico800 17 x 17/Ico1024 27 x 272. Copy the sample file "slmahdconfig.ini" from the directory/siemens/sinumerik/hmi/template/cfg.3. Place the file in the following directory:/oem/sinumerik/hmi/cfg or/user/sinumerik/hmi/cfg4. Open the file and make the required settings:– Specify an individual icon by changing the file name of the icon for channel operationalmessages.– Specify a different period by changing the time value for the channel operationalmessage.5. Save the settings.The configurations are activated after booting.Example of the file "slmahdconfig.ini"Standard configuration[CondStopIcons]DefaultIcon = condwait.png1 = condstop.png ; No NC ready2 = condstop.png ; No mode group readyCustomizing the "Machine" operating area8.4 Configuring the channel operational messageSINUMERIK Operate (IM9)Commissioning Manual, 12/2017, 6FC5397-1DP40-6BA1 121