WIDGET_CLASS_EXPORT(SlEsTestCustomWidget)7.4.4 Interaction between custom widget and dialog box - Automatic data exchangeCustom widgets interact with dialog boxes and can display values or manipulate them.ConditionsAutomatic data exchange takes place under the following conditions:Condition DirectionWhen starting or recompiling a dialog Dialog → custom widgetWhen executing the GC command for generating cycle calls Custom widget → DialogProgrammingThe following definitions are necessary for the interaction:Expansion of the dialog configurationDefinition: DEF(variable)Syntax: ((type)//5/"","(variable)",""/wr2/)Variable type: Type Standard input field (no grid or toggle) with any data type(no W)Parameters: Variable Any designation of a variable for data exchangeInput mode: wr2 Reading and writingExampleDEF CUSVAR1 = (R//5/"","CUSVAR1",""/wr2/)Expansion of the class definitionIn the class definition of the custom widgets, a QProperty must be created whose name isidentical to the selected variable of the dialog configuration, e.g.:Q_PROPERTY(double CUSVAR1 READ cusVar1 WRITE setCusVar1);ExampleThe class definition of the dll file should look like this:#define SLESTESTCUSTOMWIDGET_EXPORT Q_DECL_EXPORTclass SLESTESTCUSTOMWIDGET_EXPORT SlEsTestCustomWidget : public QWidgetGraphic and logic elements7.4 Custom widgetsSINUMERIK Integrate Run MyScreens (BE2)Programming Manual, 12/2017, 6FC5397-1DP40-6BA1 209