Entries MeaningNewToolFavoritesOnly Refers to the "New tool" function.True - only those tool types that are configured as favoritesare listed.False - default setting, all tool types are listed.SortationInFirstEtcLevel True - the "Sorting" function is placed at the first softkeylevel. The "Continue" function is omitted.False - default setting, sorting at all softkey levels.ToolBufferOnceOnTop True - default setting, buffer is displayed at the start of thelist.False - buffer is displayed for each magazine. Only thoselocations are displayed that are assigned to the magazine.UnloadToolFromLoadPlaceEnabled True - a tool at the load station can be removed from theload station using the "Unload" softkey.False - default setting. The "Unload" softkey is not displayedfor a tool at the load position.CreateNewToolWithCuttPos9Enabled True - cutting edge position 9 is offered in the cutting edgeposition selection.True - default setting, cutting edge position 9 is not offeredin the cutting edge position selection.AutoHNumberDisplayEnabled Column of the cutting edge parameter "IsoHNoDPH - ISOH number" depending on the machine configuration.True - default setting, the column is automatically displayed.False - the column is not automatically displayed.AutoUniqueDNumberDisplayEnabled Column of the cutting edge parameter "UniqueDNo" de‐pending on the machine configuration.True - default setting, the column is automatically displayed.False - the column is not automatically displayed.AccessLevelDeleteAllDNos The following entry specifies the access level as of whichthe "Delete all D numbers delete" function is offered.Default setting: Access level 3 (user) - relevant only whenthe "Unique D number" setting has been made.MagazineNumberOfDCheckAndActivate Default setting: -2 - the tools of all magazines are consideredby the function "Check for unique D number and activatetool.">0 - The above function only considers the tools of thenamed magazine.AutoFixedPlaceDisplayEnabled Column of the tool parameter "ToolStateFixed" - tool status- tool is fixed-location coded and acts dependent on themagazine configuration.True - default setting, the column is automatically hidden, ifall of the configured magazines are fixed location coded.False - the column is not automatically hidden.MagPlaceAdapterDisplayEnabled Columns of the magazine location adapter parameters aredisplayed in the "Magazine" window.False - default setting, parameters are not displayed.Tool management12.2 Configuring the user interfaceSINUMERIK Operate (IM9)Commissioning Manual, 12/2017, 6FC5397-1DP40-6BA1 173