NoteDisplay problemsThe default settings function for most of the applications.In exceptional cases, display problems can occur in applications with Borland-Delphidevelopment, i.e. shifted windows, etc.Use the following parameters in this case:nUnShowMode = 0fKeepPlacement = 1ornInitShowMode = 1fWinFormsWindows Forms parameters provide control elements to applications which also use Windowsdefault applications, e.g. dialog boxes, menus and buttons.If the OEMFrame application is a Windows Forms application, then the followingparameterization is required:[]fWinForms = 1NoteDeactivated size adjustmentIf the parameter fWinForms is not set, the OEMFrame application does not open to themaximum size. The specified size adjustments (x, y, Width and Height) are deactivated.nSwitchToTaskAfterTerminationThis parameter controls the behavior when the OEMFrame application is exited. Normally inthis situation, the system manager displays the operating area switchover, which can be usedto switch over to another area.The parameter nSwitchToTaskAfterTermination can be used to initiate an automaticswitch to the previously active area:nSwitchToTaskAfterTermination= -1 Display of the operating area switchover (default)= -2 Switchover to the previously active areaExampleWhen the "closeapp.exe" Windows application is exited, a switch should be made to theprevious area. The following parameter assignment is required:SINUMERIK Operate on PC/PCU23.2 Parameterizing the OEMFrame applicationSINUMERIK Operate (IM9)674 Commissioning Manual, 12/2017, 6FC5397-1DP40-6BA1 PreviousNext |