Meaning of the axesMD52206 $MCS_AXIS_USAGE[n] Meaning of the axes in the channel[n] channel axis number= 0 No special meaning= 1 Tool spindle (rotating tool)= 2 Auxiliary spindle (rotating tool)= 3 Main spindle (turning)= 4 Separate C axis of the main spindle (turning)= 5 Counterspindle (turning)= 6 Separate C axis of the counterspindle (turning)= 7 Linear axis of the counterspindle (turning)= 8 Tailstock (turning)= 9 Steady (turning)= 10 B axis (turning)= 12 B axis in counterspindle (turning)= 13 Transverse travel X of the counterspindle (turning)Defining the direction of rotationEnter the direction of rotation for the rotary axes that are not configured in a tool holder or a 5-axis transformation via the following channel-specific machine data.MD52207 $MCS_USAGE_ATTRIB[n] Attribute of the axes in the channel[n] channel axis numberBit 0 Rotates around 1st geometry axis (for rotation axis)Bit 1 Rotates around 2nd geometry axis (for rotation axis)Bit 2 Rotates around 3rd geometry axis (for rotation axis)Bit 3 Direction of rotation is counter-clockwise (for rotary axis / C axis).Bit 4 Displayed direction of rotation of the spindle/C axis for the M function M3 is counter-clockwiseBit 5 Inverts M3 / M4 (for spindles)This bit must be set analogous to PLC bit DB31, ... DBX17.6!Bit 6 Display rotary axis as offset target for measurementBit 7 List rotary axis in the position patternBit 8 List rotary axis to accept blank (on milling machines)Bit 9 Spindle is not SPOS-capableBit 10 Rotary axis rotates around 1st geometry axis (only for position pattern)Bit 11 Rotary axis rotates around 2nd geometry axis (only for position pattern)Bit 12 Rotary axis rotates around 3rd geometry axis (only for position pattern)Technologies and cycles21.1 Activating turning/milling/drilling/grinding technologiesSINUMERIK Operate (IM9)506 Commissioning Manual, 12/2017, 6FC5397-1DP40-6BA1