Swiveling in the JOG modeCycle alarms 62186 and 62187 can be hidden or displayed using the following cycle machinedata:MD55410 $MC_MILL_SWIVEL_ALARM_MASK Activate fault evaluation CYCLE800Bit 0 Activate fault 61186= 0 Hide fault 61186 "Active zero offset G%4 and base (base reference) contains rotations"(default setting).= 1 Display fault 61186Bit 1 Activate fault 61187= 0 Hide fault 61187 "Active base and base reference (G500) contain rotations" (default set‐ting).= 1 Display fault 6118721.7.2 CYCLE800 checklist for the identification of the machine kinematicsNoteIdentification of the machine kinematics according to DIN 66217 or ISO 841-2001This checklist does not claim to be complete.● Do the 3 linear axes of the machine that are active for the transformation form an orthogonalcoordinate system? Geometry axes XYZ● How many swivel kinematics does the machine have?Combinations of two (or one) rotary axis and the three linear axes are always formed.● Which machine components are concerned?Swivel head, swivel table or swivel head and rotary table.● What are the names of the rotary axes of the kinematics?Manual rotary axes are permitted and do not have to be declared in the NC.● What is the 1st or 2nd d rotary axis of a swivel data set?Rule: Rotary axis 2 is based on rotary axis 1. With mixed kinematics, rotary axis 1 is alwaysthe axis for the tool orientation.● Is the traversing direction of the linear axes and the rotary axes correct? Right-hand ruleRule: If the linear axis or the rotary axis moves the workpiece, the direction of motion of theaxis and also the sign of the rotary axis vector change.● What is the initial setting of the kinematics?This defines the tool orientation and the plane G17, G18, G19.● Which rotary axis rotates around which axis of the coordinate system or the machine axis(axes)?This defines the rotary axis vectors of the kinematics.Example 1:Head kinematics. Rotary axis 2 rotates around axis Y → rotary axis vector V2xyz = 0,1,0Example 2:Table kinematics. Rotary axis 1 rotates around axis X → rotary axis vector V1xyz = -1,0,0Technologies and cycles21.7 SwivelingSINUMERIK Operate (IM9)Commissioning Manual, 12/2017, 6FC5397-1DP40-6BA1 567