3-383Operation Examples (Point measurement)F C1 H1[SYSTEM SETUP]1OPS MENU SETTING (TO NEXT SUB-MENU)2OBJECT TYPE COND (TO NEXT SUB-MENU)3I/O CONDITIONS (TO NEXT SUB-MENU)4ADJ. CAM POSITION (TO NEXT SUB-MENU)5DISPLAY MODE JAPANESE ENGLISH6RECEIVING PARMS EXEC7INIT ALL PARMS EXEC8SELF DIAGNOSTICS EXEC9SAVE IN FLASH MEM EXEC0OPERATIONS(7-segment display)Point settingDecimal point3-6 Existence inspection by point measurementShown below is an example of an operation for checking the existence of an object by detecting whetherthe points are white or not.(1) Operation on the MAIN OPS MENU (after initialize all conditions)1. Move the cursor to [SET-SCRN] with the left and right keys, and press the SET key.- The [SYSTEM SETUP] menu will be displayed.(2) Operation on the [SYSTEM SETUP] menu1. Move the cursor to 2 OBJECT TYPE COND (condition of object type) with the up and downkeys, and press the SET key.- The [OBJECT TYPE COND] menu will be displayed.Continued on the following pageMAIN OPS MENU1F L C1ALLC2NOVX.X(TYPE00)MEAS. msMEAS0 CAM1 NOX0~6: Y0~7: BUSY:MSR-CHNG REG-CHNG PC-MONTR SET-SCRN MANL-TYP-CHG