Appendix-3Appendix 2: Software version informationDescribed below are the details of the upgrade of the IV-S20 system program software.Software version 2.09Software version 2.09 does not contain any new or improved functions, not found in the software version2.07 and 2.08.Additional functions in software version 2.07 (compared with version 2.06)Additional functions in software version 2.06 (compared with version 2.04)Additional function and detalis about the improved functions on software version 2.04(compared with version 2.02)- Additional functionReference page9-1109-11513-19Point measurementIlluminance monitorGeneral purpose I/FItem Improved functionsThe BLOCK SPACING for block registration has been improved.Minimum 4 pixels _ Minimum 0 pixel. Increase/decrease spaces in unitsof 4 pixels _ In units of 1 pixel.The monitoring window size and position can now be changed in units ofone pixel instead of four pixels.The number of labels is also output to a dummy label in the objectidentification by binary conversion operation- Details about the improved functionsGeneral purpose I/FComputer link[I/O SETTINGS] menuDistance and anglemeasurementItem Additional functionBlock 51 has just been added.Block 51 has just been added.The CAM-MEAS has been added to the 6PARALLEL INPUT X6.The DIST-BETW-X and DIST-BETW-Y have been added to the2 DISTANCE TYPE on the [DISTANCE SETTINGS] menu.The MANL-MESR have been added to the 8DISPLAY + CURSOR".- This is used to get the overall distance, X coordinate distance, and Ycoordinate distance between two points, which are manually designated.The 0 IMAGE DISPLAY has been added.- These measurements can also be made on the through images.[RUN MENUSETTINGS] menuReference page13-2414-1511-19-658-88-9metI noitcnufdeddA egapecnerefeRelgnadnaecnatsiDtnemerusaem "NOITCESRETNI"dna"P2-ENIL"deddA 46-9noitacinummoclaireS deepsnoitacinummoc"spbk8.4"deddA 71-11metI noitcnufdeddA egapecnerefeR5XtupnilellaraPneewtebnoitaluclacehtrofdesuegamiecnereferA.deretsigereboslanacsegami 1-11desustimilrewoldnareppuehtfonoitcerroccitamotuA.noitidnoctnemegdujaeralanifehtroftnemerusaemlaunaM launamrofeulavlaitiniehtfognittescitamotuAtnemerusaem 8-8lairesesoprup-lareneGF/IlaunamehtrofsnoitcnufgniyficepsdnagnidaerdeddA)17/07sedocgnissecorp(setanidrooctnemerusaem 31-31,1-31